
Health A-Z

What is cervical ectropion?

Cervical ectropion means that the cells inside your cervix are visible outside of your cervix. Cervical ectropion isn’t a concerning condition. Instead, it’s a harmless variation — or difference — in the way that cervical cells may appear.

The outer and inner parts of your cervix consist of two types of cells.

  • The outer part of your cervix has a flat, pale pink surface like the lining inside your mouth. It’s covered with squamous cells.
  • The inner part of your cervix has a textured surface with finger-like projections that look like the lining of your intestines. It’s covered with glandular cells.

Cervical ectropion occurs when parts of your cervix turn inside out so that your healthcare provider can see the glandular cells outside of your cervix — as you might see the inside of a flower bud when a flower blooms.