Cervical ectropion means that the cells inside your cervix are visible outside of your cervix. Cervical ectropion isn’t a concerning condition. Instead, it’s a harmless variation — or difference — in the way that cervical cells may appear.
The outer and inner parts of your cervix consist of two types of cells.
The outer part of your cervix has a flat, pale pink surface like the lining inside your mouth. It’s covered with squamous cells.
The inner part of your cervix has a textured surface with finger-like projections that look like the lining of your intestines. It’s covered with glandular cells.
Cervical ectropion occurs when parts of your cervix turn inside out so that your healthcare provider can see the glandular cells outside of your cervix — as you might see the inside of a flower bud when a flower blooms.
What are the symptoms?
Cervical ectropion doesn’t usually cause symptoms. Instead, your healthcare provider may notice signs of cervical ectropion during a routine pelvic exam or Pap smear. Still, since it’s a harmless condition that isn’t cause for concern, your provider likely won’t mention if you have it.
In rare instances, cervical ectropion may cause symptoms. These symptoms may be signs of cervical ectropion, but it’s more likely that they’re associated with other conditions.
Pain and bleeding during intercourse (dyspareunia) or afterward.
Pain and bleeding during a pelvic exam.
Light bleeding (spotting) between your periods.
Pain in your pelvic area.
Cervical ectropion may be a harmless variation, but the conditions that most often cause these symptoms warrant a visit with your healthcare provider. Contact your provider if you notice any of these symptoms so that you can receive a correct diagnosis.
How is cervical ectropion treated?
Cervical ectropion often doesn’t require treatment. In rare instances, people with cervical ectropion who are experiencing frequent vaginal discharge or spotting may benefit from medicines to provide symptom relief. Your provider may prescribe boric acid suppositories to lessen symptoms.
More intensive procedures can destroy cells that may be causing symptoms. These include:
Diathermy: A small tool delivers a high-heat blast to the out-of-place cervical cells, preventing them from causing unpleasant symptoms.
Cryotherapy: A probe delivers extreme cold that freezes the cells.
Again, however, you likely won’t need treatment for cervical ectropion. It’s much more likely that your symptoms are related to another issue that requires treatment based on the specific diagnosis.
How is cervical ectropion diagnosed?
Cervical ectropion often doesn't cause symptoms, so you may not know you have it unless your healthcare provider discovers it incidentally during an unrelated test or procedure. These tests may include:
A pelvic exam: Your provider will examine your reproductive organs to check for signs of disease.
A pap smear: Your provider will check for precancerous cells in your cervix.
Colposcopy: Your provider will use a lighted instrument called a colposcope to take a closer look at your cervix.
Biopsy: Your provider may take a tissue sample to check cells for irregularities that may indicate cancer.
It’s important to remember, though, that cervical ectropion isn’t an abnormal finding, and it’s not something that your provider checks for during a test or procedure. Your provider probably won’t mention that you have cervical ectropion even if you do have this variation.