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What is prodromal labor?

Prodromal labor is a type of false labor contraction that occurs during pregnancy. These contractions are often mistaken for actual labor and can occur in the weeks leading up to your baby's due date. "Prodromal" comes from a Greek word meaning "precursor." Prodromal labor is often the closest thing to active labor you can experience. It’s your body’s way of prepping you for the real thing.

Prodromal labor can be painful, come every five minutes and last 60 seconds each. This is very similar to active labor contractions. However, prodromal labor never advances beyond this point. It doesn’t mean labor is coming or that your cervix has started to dilate (open) or efface (thin).

It can be both frustrating and confusing to experience false labor contractions. Knowing how to spot prodromal labor could help ease your worries.